Diabetes Risk Assessment Quiz


1. How old are you? 

  • Less than 40 years (0 points)
  • 50-59 years (2 points)
  • 60 years or older (3 points)

2. Are you a man or a woman?

  • Man (1 point)
  • Woman (0 point)

3. If you are a woman, have you ever been diagnosed with gestational diabetes?

  • Yes (1 point)
  • No (0 points)

4. Do you have a father, mother, sister, or brother with diabetes?

  • Yes (1 point)
  • No (0 points)

5. Have you ever been diagnosed with high blood pressure

  • Yes (1 point)
  • No (0 points)

6. Are you physically active?

  • Yes (0 points)
  • No (1 point)

7. What is your weight status? (See at right for point value).

8. Add up your points.

If your score 5 or above, please note the following:

  • You are at increased risk for having or developing type 2 diabetes. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR DOCTOR, AS ONLY YOUR DOCTOR CAN PROVIDE A DIAGNOSIS FOR DIABETES OR PRE-DIABETES.
  • Diabetes Free DFW provides the educational foundation, encouragement and support needed to reverse the trend toward diabetes, obesity, and ill health. Contact Ruthie today!


Reference: American Diabetes Association risk-test-flyer-2012