It’s Time to Take Action
Calling All Prayer Warriors. Post your prayer request. Let's PRAY for each other, our Leaders, our Families, Our Communities, Our World.
Calling All Prayer Warriors
Post your prayer requests below. Let's pray with & for each other, our communities, our country, our Leaders, and our world!
About our Prayer Warriors: A group of prayer warriors have gathered at InnerRx Institute in Dallas for several years to pray, meditate, and study. Spiritual Development classes, taught by Dr. Gary Berman, brought us together & we created a very special Family (participants are from various religious backgrounds and from varied walks of life).
We now gather online on a weekly basis to pray &/or meditate. At this URGENT time, we are inviting you to participate. Let's pray with & for each other, our community, our country, our Leaders, and our world! Please contact me if you would like additional information about our group & group leaders.