My Vision
Vision – I envision a world filled with healthy and joyful communities that flourish as caretakers of this precious earth in a holistic and sustainable manner.
Mission – My mission is to incorporate my experience in the field of public works and engineering with my training as a health counselor to build communities that open doors to excellent health, clean air, clean water, nutritious foods, efficient transportation systems and sustainability.
Intent – I intend to dedicate myself to working within a regional context to improve the quality of life for our children.
• To enhance the public’s awareness of the positive health effects that result from livable and sustainable communities and transportation systems.
• To promote projects within the region that focus multifaceted approaches towards holistic uses of land (e.g. – combining regional detention/retention with parks/open spaces, school site developments with trails/sidewalks and intelligent transportation planning).
• To promote health and fitness within our schools (both in practice and education) while educating our children to preserve our natural resources.
Specialties/Interests – Public works, quality of life, sustainability, project delivery, visioning, leadership, mentoring, networking, creativity, counseling, management, communication, essential oils, health and healing.