I have been a devoted public servant for over twenty-five years with a focus on improving quality of life. I am here to serve. I have experience and skills and have a strong track record in visioning, planning, design and just getting the job done in an efficient, cost-effective, common sense, and joyful manner.
Advocacy & Public Speaking
I have a passion for mentoring, coaching, counseling, helping and giving. I love to learn and share. I love to talk! I love to write!
Public Works and Infrastructure –As an advocate for Public Works and for those men and women who,on a daily basis,take care of our basic public services,I call on our leaders to devote adequate resources to the operation and maintenance of our infrastructure. I believe that asset management is the key. I am available to assist any organization with this task.
Health and Wellbeing – I am so passionate about this topic! I will prepare workshops,classes or presentation specifically designed for your organization and desired topic.
Healthy Communities – I am an advocate for regional sustainability and Quality of Life measures within our communities. I am actively involved in my community and am a contributor to our community newspaper, The Richardson Times.
Spiritual PhytoEssencing™ –A protocol developed by Dr. Bruce Berkowsky that utilizes essential oils as a unique tool of communication between the soul and essential oils.
Mentoring – Throughout my career,my focus has always been on mentoring and staff development. I have devoted many days at elementary, middle and high schools to share with our young people. They are magnificent! These kids are our future. I urge you to invest in the future by mentoring a young person.
Social Media – With the advent of social media, I share information with others of like mind in a “stream of consciousness” manner. My tools of choice for this media are: LinkedIn, Facebook, my Blog, Instagram, and a few others with which I’m still experimenting.