What’s in My Pocket – Cafecito Break 6-27-20
Predictive Programming; Getting out of your comfort zone? Do your friends no longer like you? COVID-19 Letter from 2 Drs- Listen to our podcast! Show notes #HealthyCommunities #cafecitobreak
Letter 1: Dear Texas Patients and Physicians: Here’s one thing we can do to stop the pandemic. - June 24, 2020
"Dear Texas Physicians, especially primary care, urgent care and nursing home doctors,
When the COVID 19 pandemic hit the U.S.A., we stopped in our tracks, shut down our O.R.s, closed our clinics, and even gated our hospitals to all but urgent or emergency patients in response to Governor Abbott’s Executive Order GA-09. At that point in time, we had very few COVID cases, hospitalizations, or deaths in Texas. We took these drastic steps to “flatten the curve.” The situation was assessed, and supplies such a PPE, ventilators, and money were shifted to areas of our county hit hardest, particularly New York City- a city like no other, that was unprepared and about to be overwhelmed." - Read the letter written by Dr. Kris Held
I read another letter on the show which was written by Dr. Brian Procter, M.D. from McKinney, Texas: See the linkable image shown below.

I publicly acknowledge my Dad, Isaac Antebi, Z”L, was 100% correct. Decades ago, he predicted our Republic at (civil) war, triggered by racial division. He SAW liberalism attacking us from within & us asleep at the wheel. As a teenager, I thought he was nuts. Boy. Was I wrong.

Source: FB Screenshot

Source: Twitter
I tried to locate the source of this graphic and was unable to find the name of its creator for proper credit. If you know who created it please contact me.
You can read much more about this historical figure here.
The Simpsons’ Clip About a “Cat Flu” Was Incredibly Prophetic
"In a 2010 episode of The Simpsons, a “secret conclave of America’s media empires” releases a deadly virus to “put Americans back where they belong: In dark rooms, glued to their televisions, too terrified to skip the commercials”. Here’s how this clip eerily foreshadows COVID-19." - May 26, 2020 - By Vigilant Citizen
The image below is linked to a pdf copy of the letter.

“Wearing a mask to stop a virus is like using a chain link fence to stop mosquitoes”. Science matters. Particle size. Virus size. Mask porosity. https://t.co/weEMqmzQdp
— RuthAntebiGuten(@RuthAntebiGuten) June 19, 2020

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