What’s in My Pocket – Cafecito Break 7-6-20

'silver bullet' for COVID-19; Budesonide; NEW REPORTING GUIDELINES:SUBJECTIVE? Dr. Senator Speaks - Listen to our podcast! Show notes #HealthyCommunities #cafecitobreak

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Words of Wisdom

Change your location and change your fortune (luck).

(One of my Dad's favorites.)

Change your perspective & change your life.

Covid19 - Is There a Magic Bullet?

  • “Local doctor believes he has found 'silver bullet' for COVID-19” - Texas Emergency Room Doctor, Richard Bartlett, M.D.
  • Treats patients with Budesonide, antibiotics, and zinc.
  • Treatment is administered via nebulizer. (localized inhalation to lungs instead of full body steroid treatment).
  • Patients often feel better in 1st treatment
  • He has been treating high-risk COVID-19 patients, like the elderly, those with heart disease and cancer
  • 100% success rate
  • Watch interview below. Read Source Article.
  • Japanese researchers have discovered that administering a steroid inhalant for asthma helped improve the conditions of three patients infected with the new coronavirus.” - Read Article

Coronavirus: Why Everyone Was Wrong 

  • “The coronavirus is slowly retreating. What actually happened in the past few weeks? The experts have missed basic connections. The immune response against the virus is much stronger than we thought.”
  • “Firstly, it was wrong to claim that this virus was novel. Secondly, It was even more wrong to claim that the population would not already have some immunity against this virus. Thirdly, it was the crowning of stupidity to claim that someone could have Covid-19 without any symptoms at all or even to pass the disease along without showing any symptoms whatsoever.”
  • What now? - “Those young and healthy people who currently walk around with a mask on their faces would be better off wearing a helmet instead, because the risk of something falling on their head is greater than that of getting a serious case of Covid-19.”

Read Article by Beda M. Stadler

Additional Discussion Topics

  • LA Fireworks
  • Video of law enforcement official - watch video
  • Georgia Stone Mountain BLM - watch video
  • NYC Murders statistics - "64 Shot, 10 Dead: Spike in Gun Violence Alarms an On-Edge N.Y.C." - Read the article
  • Chicago Murder Statistics - "Fourth of July weekend gun violence in Chicago includes 17 killed, including 2 children, and dozens more wounded". Read the article.
  • BLM - (2016 Islamic Conference - Anti Semitism - donations to DNC) - Additional information to be posted at a letr date.
  • P. Diddy - book on adrenochrome - screenshot1 & screenshot2
  • Kamala Harris - Twitter Screenshot - Why are her records being wiped? I looked at her Wikipedia page and then looked at it on the waybackmachine (https://archive.org/web/). Try it. Enter https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamala_Harris and choose a date. You'll see the differences for yourself.  
  • TRIGGERING - "A primal terror surfaces whenever anyone holds a gun to your head—no matter how benign the instrument may be. The history of violence associated with this type of handheld device in the public imagination is so established that it’s hard to see a pistol-like object aimed at humans in a neutral way." - Read Article.


  • “It’s an inhaled steroid that doesn’t have the side effects of total body steroids but it has the benefits," Bartlett said.
  • Dr. Bartlett says COVID-19 starts in the respiratory system but then triggers a severe inflammatory process, called Cytokine Storms, that eventually leads to multi-organ failure and death.
  • But the inhaled steroid helps to prevent that inflammation.
  • “It’s like putting out a fire at the base of the fire," Bartlett said. "I’m having patients recover so quick.”
  • Bartlett says the medicine has been out for 25 years. It is FDA approved but not for treating COVID-19.
  • "I have never seen it work so good for any other process like this, it’s like this medicine was made for this pandemic.”
  • Bartlett hopes other doctors begin to use this process to help their COVID-19 patients in order to prevent them from having to go to the ICU or be put on a ventilator.
    With Bartlett seeing so much success, European studies will begin on the protocol Bartlett's being doing next month.

- Sources: Article and Video

The Twitter thread below was in response to someone who argued that Texas is not reporting probable cases. Read the thread. Watch the video from the Collin County Hearing. You decide.

Source: Twitter

Image Source: Twitter

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