Did You Know? – Change in PCR/Covid-19 Testing Method Announced
Did You Know? – Change in PCR/Covid-19 Testing Method Announced
They are discontinuing RAPID tests usually done in doctor’s offices, and the PCR tests done at COVID testing sites
They are discontinuing RAPID tests usually done in doctor’s offices, and the PCR tests done at COVID testing sites
Did You Know? Soros & Gates are Buying U.K. Maker of Covid Tests Headline: George Soros and Bill Gates’ Backed Consortium To Buy U.K. Maker of Covid Tests for $41 Million – Source Forbes’ David Dawkins
Did You Know? Massive Protests Against Vaccine Passports Across Europe Massive protests across Europe in Spain, Italy, France, Greece and the UK are sending a clear message… millions of people will not just accept vaccine passports. This is the new global protest movement. Ben Swann reports from Madrid, Spain.
Fifteen Psalms for the Trees This year, Tu b’Shevat, the birthday of the trees, will fall on the evening of January. 17 and during the day on January. 18. Quoted from: http://telshemesh.org/shevat/fifteen_psalms_for_the_trees.html As the new moon of Shevat approaches, the trees begin to awaken just a little, enough to begin the flow of sap. There…