Emotional Healing and Why it is Important
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Emotional Healing and Why it is Important

Here’s a Universal Lesson: When the Universe sends you the same message from various sources, LISTEN! Suppressing emotions has been the way that I survived for many, many, many years. At this time on our planet, it’s our task to heal from the INSIDE out. That means that we must seriously do our own shadow…

Kabbalah Notes – Tree of Life
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Kabbalah Notes – Tree of Life

This post will highlight some important perspectives that I learned from Professor Alberto Gozlan. Here is a  Downloadable PDF of the translated notes. Please note that I am not a professional translator. I offer this to you with so much love. With so much gratitude to Chacham Gozlan, I offer you these treasures. I am…

Kabbalah Insights – What is Love?
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Kabbalah Insights – What is Love?

This post will highlight some important perspectives that I learned from Professor Alberto Gozlan. Here is a Downloadable PDF of the translated notes. Please note that I am not a professional translator. I offer this to you with so much love. It is important to understand the concepts of Kabbalistic Meditation as part of the understanding…

Kabbalistic Meditation
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Kabbalistic Meditation

This post will provide guideline and outline the importance of Kabbalistic meditation as described by Professor Alberto Gozlan in his video ¿Qué es la Meditación Kabbalística? dated December 21, 2022 (see below). Here is a Downloadable PDF of the translated notes. Please note that I am not a professional translator. I offer this to you with…

Divine Confirmation Times 3
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Divine Confirmation Times 3

So here is what happened: I’ve been learning Kabbalah from Maestro Alberto Gozlan, Kabbalah Mashiach. In order to share what I learn with my Study Buddy, Gila, I have been translating some of his videos (featuring interviews and lectures) that are in Spanish. Yesterday, I sent her my translation of an interview asking the question:…

Insights Received from a Kabbalah Master
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Insights Received from a Kabbalah Master

The Thread of Connection This post will highlight some important perspectives that I learned from Professor Alberto Gozlan. Here is a Downloadable PDF of translated notes. Please note that I am not a professional translator. I offer this to you with so much love. “When the student is ready the teacher will appear. When the…

Notes from a Kabbalah Class
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Notes from a Kabbalah Class

Update: My Dear Friend, Gila, recorded a wonderful video from Israel this morning, that included much of the information below. She did an AMAZING job interpreting the notes and sharing additional Zohar and from the Book of Enoch. Thank you, Gila!!!!! Here’s the link to her video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpLc5DQtaoQ Please note: I am not a professional…

Did You Know? Massive Protests Against Vaccine Passports Across Europe

Did You Know? Massive Protests Against Vaccine Passports Across Europe

Did You Know? Massive Protests Against Vaccine Passports Across Europe Massive protests across Europe in Spain, Italy, France, Greece and the UK are sending a clear message… millions of people will not just accept vaccine passports. This is the new global protest movement. Ben Swann reports from Madrid, Spain.

Photo by lex on Unsplash

Remembering the Victims of September 11, 2001 Attack

Remembering the Victims of September 11, 2001 @POTUS KNOWS. It’s hard to be patient while the TRUTH is being revealed to all who wish to become AWARE. I patiently wait & #PRAY: FOR THE #VICTIMS. FALLEN #HEROES. OUR #COUNTRY. OUR #WORLD.MAY G-D #BLESS #AMERICA! @AE911truth Click to Tweet Our Presidents KNOWS. He’s known the TRUTH…