Take A Relaxing Bath

The Relaxing Bath

The Relaxing Bath

A relaxing bath can soothe a weary soul. It refreshes the body, renews the spirit and clears the mind. When taken at the end of a hectic day, a bath can be the key to sleeping like a baby. When taken at the start of the day, it can provide the extra breathing space needed prior to a busy workday or traffic filled commute.

Tips For A Soothing, Relaxing Bath

    1. Wash your body BEFORE sinking into your luxuriating bath. This hint comes to us from the Japanese, who clean themselves before getting into a tub of water (clean first, then stimulate and restore).
    2. Start filling the tub with water that is just a little warmer than your hand (not too hot), as this will provide the most soothing temperature for your nervous system (approximately 98 degrees Fahrenheit). As the tub fills, add approximately 10 drops of essential oil, a capful of an aromatic bath oil, or herbs tied in a little cloth bag or a metal tea cage. (Essential oils should be added when the tub is almost full to prevent quick evaporation).

Essential Oils To Consider For A Relaxing Bath

  • Lavender* (10 drops)
  • Lavender (6 drops) and Geranium (4 drops)
  • Chamomile (7 drops) and basil (3 drops)
  • Sandalwood (7 drops) and marjoram (3 drops)

*This wonder oil is a super relaxer that can be used alone, or in combination with other essential oils.

Using Herbs In A Relaxing Bath

  • Add dry herbs to your bath water by placing them in a little cloth bag (tied) or a metal tea cage.
  • Add strong tea to your bath water (half cup of herb to 2 cups of boiling water).
  • Combine Linden tea leaves with Sage leaves for a relaxing combination.
  • Rose leaves and/or petals combined with chamomile offer a soft and delicate aroma for your relaxation pleasure.
  • Adding a strong solution of chamomile tea to the bath water is an excellent option.
  1. Wrap your hair in a towel or place in a shower cap and get into the tub. Stretch out in the water, so that you cover as much of your body as is comfortably possible. Take slow deep breaths and inhale the aroma of the essential oils. Allow yourself to relax as you melt into the water. Close your eyes and float in a sea of calm for approximately ten minutes.
  2. When you are ready to get out of the tub, slowly rise out of the water while remaining calm and feeling centered.
  3. Wrap yourself in a big, soft, luxurious towel. Do not scrub yourself dry.
  4. While your skin is still a little bit moist, add a few drops of essential oils to your palms and massage gently into your skin.
  5. If you are bathing before going out, wait at least 15 minutes before getting dressed. If you are getting ready for bed, put on a natural fiber robe or easy fitting clothing.

Certain herbs and oils should not be used during pregnancy or if there are other medical conditions present. Please consult with your health care provider to review the safety of all essential oils and herbs prior to use.


  • The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Essential Oils, by Julia Lawless, 1995, Element Books, London
  • Scentual Touch, by Judith Jackson, 1986, Henry Holt & Company, N.Y

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