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Torah Scents – Part 1

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Avraham Sand

I’ve been a practitioner of Spiritual PhytoEssencing™ for over two decades and am delighted that there is so much more availability and discussion of essential oils today. I was inspired to write this post by my friend, Gila, who very bravely has been speaking up about Truth and Torah on her live-streams. Last week, she spoke to us from Yerushalayim about the Soul-Nose Connection, Mystical Torah, and Truth. After her broadcast, I walked over to my bookshelf and pulled out one of my treasured books and decided to share some insights. This special book is: Mystical Aromatherapy , The Divine Gift of Fragrance, by Avraham Sand. In this post, I’ve specifically focused on information regarding Biblical references.

Mystical Aromatherapy
by Avraham Sand

In 1990, Avraham Sand was invited to meet with Rabbi Menachem Burstein (areas of focus: botany, chemistry and aromatics of the First and Second Temples) who had extensively studied the precise content of the Temple incense and had already confirmed six of the oils. Although there is a prohibition in the Torah against attempting to make the incense in its original form, there is no prohibition against enjoying the fragrance of essential oil extracts of the same botanicals. It is, in fact, believed that doing so is “meritorius” because, by becoming familiar with these fragrances, we would be reminded of the days in the Temple, thus speeding up the building of the third Temple. He also said that having these fragrances in our homes is a segula (blessing, a sign of “providence”).

A few years later, he was invited to a Judean encampment to meet the real “Indiana Jones”, Dr. Vedyl Jones, who was a Global Leader of B’Nai Noah. Mr. Jones, an archaeologist, had been on a search to find the Ark of the Covenant and the treasures from the Temple for 35 years. His work included the deciphering the Copper Scroll of Jeremiah that was hidden when the Temple treasures were hidden.

Dr. Jones discovered 600 kg (1320 pounds) of the Temple incense in 1992 and positively identified four of the five spices that remained unknown. Subsequently, a chemical analysis of the material gave Avraham Sand the information required to identify 4 of the 5 missing ingredients of the Temple Incense Oils.

In the foreword by Shoshanna Harrari, entitled: The Fragrance of the Garden of Eden she states;
“It is said that when the Messiah comes he will know each of us by our fragrance.” She describes how our olfactory glands are bombarded by the very harmful chemical compounds widely used in fragrance and many other products in the world today and why it is so important for us to learn about and use natural fragrances.

Years ago, my teacher, Dr. Bruce Berkowsky, taught us that the chemical fragrances in widely used products, such dryer sheets, are neurotoxic.

“A fascinating center theme of the book is the Scent of Paradise, “the most beautiful fragrance in the world,” which emanates from the Garden of Eden.”

John Steele, in the Introduction to the book

Mr. Steele, in his Introduction to the book, said that the accent of Paradise was saturated in the aromatic garments worn by Adam and Eve and the garments were sewn together into a vest of power. This vest is believed to have been handed down to their son Seth. The vest was then passed down throughout the ages: to Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses. The scent of Paradise is also found in the Temple Incense, the anointing oil of the Temple, the Messiah and the Cave of the Patriarchs.

According to Mr. Steele, in Mystical Aromatherapy, The Divine Gift of Fragrance, Mr. Sand illustrates how the sacred use of fragrance unites heaven & earth, the physical with the nonphysical, and the conscious mind and the intuition.

The next blogpost in this series will focus on Chapter 1, Aromatic Elements of Creation.

Till then, may you be Blessed and in Joy….

Additional information:

Avraham’s Temple Oil Research
About Essential Oils
What is Spiritual PhytoEssencing™
Dr. Berkowsky’s Spiritual PhytoEssencing™

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