Protected: SPE Concepts and Themes – Part 2
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There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
So here is what happened: I’ve been learning Kabbalah from Maestro Alberto Gozlan, Kabbalah Mashiach. In order to share what I learn with my Study Buddy, Gila, I have been translating some of his videos (featuring interviews and lectures) that are in Spanish. Yesterday, I sent her my translation of an interview asking the question:…
Interview:Reba Sherrill, Candidate for Congress, Florida District 21 Last week, I received a message via WhatsApp from a number that I did not recognize. I texted back to inquire who it was. Somehow, Ms. Reba Sherrill had my contact information saved on her phone. It is possible that we met at a conference, or via…
THE COMMENTS FOR THIS POST HAVE BEEN CLOSED. PLEASE GO TO TO POST YOUR PRAYER REQUESTS. THANK YOU!!! 8/20/2020 CALLING ALL PRAYER WARRIORS! A group of prayer warriors have gathered at InnerRx Institute in Dallas for several years to pray, meditate, and study. Spiritual Development classes, taught by Dr. Gary Berman, brought us together &…
Discover stress busting strategies and develop an action plan to Energize Your Holiday Season!
The Music of Your Heart In response to a challenge, I’ve been posting videos on Youtube that correspond to the Gratitude Movement (on FB)’s 29 Days of Gratitude – Love Lives Here. Here is my first YouTube video, challenging you to Listen to the Music of your Heart:
Business Connections at CBT – Update & Upcoming Meetings Here are some examples of feedback received from previous Business Connections Meetings (at Congregation Beth Torah). The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. “Easy to meet and greet.” “Enlightened me to new opportunities for ‘business’ social media.” “Even though I have accounts with all, I still learned…
DOWNLOADABLE FLYER AND COUPON Event Details Event: Addison Wellness Expo Date: Saturday, April 21st – Sunday, April 22nd Time: 11:00am City: Addison, Texas Venue: Addison Conference Centre Address: 15650 Addison Road, Addison, Texas Venue phone: 972-450-6241 Country: US Admission: $7/Day or $10/Weekend. Box office: 972-378-3770 Notes: Come visit me, with the DFW Health Coaches, at our booth in the Addison Wellness Expo.
Event: The Importance of Creating a Business Plan, a Leadership Plan and a Life Plan If you live in the DFW area, I highly recommend that you attend the following networking meeting:
Get Involved – Stay Connected I was recently asked to participate in a committee at Congregation Beth Torah whose purpose is to develop a networking group for all business professionals. As many of you know, I love to socialize and I love to help others, so I did not hesitate at all in accepting the…
Food Day 2011 Food Day this year is being observed on Monday, October 24th. Here in the North Central Texas, the DFW Health Coaches and Nannis Chiropractic are hosting the following events: October 24, 2011 – Two FREE Screenings of FOODMATTERS® (Dallas & Arlington). October 25, 2011 – Cooking Demonstration and Interactive discussion at the…
Fall Cleanse Have you abused your body with excess food, too much stress and lack of movement? It’s time to slow down, listen to, and nourish your body. I am very excited to announce that I will kick off this fall with a wonderful cleansing program which involves a two week healthy diet. It is…