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Kabbalah Insights – What is Love?

This post will highlight some important perspectives that I learned from Professor Alberto Gozlan. Here is a Downloadable PDF of the translated notes. Please note that I am not a professional translator. I offer this to you with so much love.

It is important to understand the concepts of Kabbalistic Meditation as part of the understanding of what Rabbi Gozlan teaches in this video (in my humble opinion). Therefore, I have just posted a blogpost about Kabbalistic Meditation that includes his lecture video (embedded) as well as an animated video demonstration of the Kabbalistic Meditation method that he teaches us.

Entrevista a Albert Gozlan: Qué es el Amor?

Below you can find some of my highlighted notes from the above interview by
Dra. Liliana Cabouli – Sep 29, 2018.

Foundational Premise

The foundation is in a prayer called the Shema.

You shall love your G-DWith all your heartWith all of your liverAnd With all of your brain.

Brain, Heart, & Liver?

The question is: what does love have to do with your heart, your liver, and your brain?
• with all your Heart (Lev( בְּכָל־לְבָבְָ֥))
• Nefesh is in the liver( וּבְכָל־נַפְשְָׁ֖)
• with all of your Strength, which is in the brain( וּבְכָל־מְאֹדֶֽך)

Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics begins to demonstrate that:

  • The heart has impressive magnetism
  • The Brain has impressive electricity (there is the electromagnetism that Einstein sought so eagerly)
  • The Liver has, according to the Kabbalah, has all of the force of attraction, all of the gravitational pull of the earth. In other words, what materializes a sentiment
  • Gravity is what draws it down.

So I need the electromagnetism and the (force of attraction) gravity that will push it down into the Earth. So we are talking about an electromagnetic energy.

What is Love? It is an electromagnetic energy and our Creator wants us to love Him in this manner.


The theme of religion is separate from the Laws of Cause and Effect between the Secrets of Heaven and the Earth.

Twin Souls

You first have to learn to love, in order to detect the Holy Spark in the other.

Giving Love

When you are full of Divine Love, you cannot be alone. You must continue giving and giving.

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